Monday, March 18, 2013

My Dear Friend Batman

Hello all.

I am very sad to announce that I will be euthanizing my dear pet Batman in the next couple of days. You see, he has some swim bladder infection disease thing and red spots at the part of each fin where it connects to the torso, along with inside the gills. I can't stand to see my finned friend suffer any longer, therefore I feel as though the right thing to do is put him out of his misery. I'll miss him dearly. It's no different than putting down a dog or a cat, or having to say goodbye to a loved one in person. I'll be losing a member of my family, and more importantly, a piece of my heart.

I hate to end this on an angry note, but I have one comment to make. I bought Batman at PetSmart. I don't know if my readers out there (or lack thereof) have a PetSmart store in their area, but I was in their store once and in the live fish section, I counted 23 dead fish in 1 and 25 in another. All of the other fish in other tanks, and I mean ALL of the other fish, either had fin rot or ich. It was an absolutely horrible sight to see. I still remember this image clearly. I posted on their facebook page about the incident, and all they replied was a website that talks about how to keep MY HOME TANK clean. That's a bunch of bullshit. I keep my tank as clean as humanly possible. They're in no position to tell me how to clean MY tank when it's theirs that has tons of dead fish in it. So I will no longer buy ANYTHING from PetSmart as long as I shall live.

I'll miss Batan more than anything. I'll miss coming home from school and work to see him follow me around his tank as I maneuver through my bedroom. I'll miss feeding (overfeeding.. guilty is charged) him and clapping when he'd finish a flake (Where did that come from?). I'll miss talking about my best friend. I'll miss having somebody to talk to when no one else would listen. I'll never know if he loved me or the food I gave him twice a day, but I hope he'll remember as he watches over me that I love him more than anything and that he will always have a special piece of my heart reserved for him.

Gosh I'm tearing up just typing this. On that note, I will leave you all to do your thought pondering thing. I'm on Tumblr... in case you didn't know.

I don't really post much, but you should follow me or like me or whatever you do on there anyway because I love you all.

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